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Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss

Coming to terms with your hearing loss is no easy task. On average, individuals with hearing loss wait seven years before seeking help for their hearing. How does it take so long for a person to own up to their hearing loss? It turns out, hearing loss candidates often go through a complex set of emotions. These are remarkably similar to the ones that Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swedish-American psychologist, outlined in the book about terminally ill patients in 1969. What are these emotions, and how does hearing loss inspire similar reactions in the individual?

1. Denial

Denial is a very powerful defense mechanism and one that is often used in conjunction with hearing loss. You believe that if your hearing is failing, it might mean that you are getting old or losing your independence. You may simply not want your friends to know you had a hearing aid. Maybe even believing that it will make you old and past it in their eyes. This is usually the start of a loss of confidence in the individual.

Even if the family has made repeated mentions of the hearing loss, you may still not want to acknowledge it. People can spend a surprisingly long time in denial. With repeated mentions of the hearing loss, however, denial can quickly make way to:

2. Anger

Anger comes from the belief that everyone else is not making the effort required to be heard. You might wonder why no one is making an effort to make sure you can hear. Or why everyone seems to be mumbling their way through their sentences nowadays. Family meals might become a battleground between you and your family members. You might be feeling excluded and resentful of them for not understanding how important it is to speak clearly.

3. Bargaining

Bargaining can take many forms. From seeking help from a higher power to telling yourself that you will make a conscious effort to shield yourself from loud noise in the future, in the hopes that the hearing loss will somehow go away. Of course, we know that most hearing loss will not simply disappear. It needs to be treated as soon as possible.

4. Depression

You slowly remove yourself from the social scene in which you are part. This is because talking to others in noisy environments becomes more trouble than it is worth. The few times you do go out, you struggle to hear others so much that you might become reliant on your partner to tell you what people are saying. This strips you of your confidence and independence. You may end the night mentally exhausted and in despair about your physical capabilities.

This loss of confidence can give way to social isolation and anxiety about future social occasions you may be required to attend. Things like weddings and birthday parties.

5. Acceptance

Acceptance is the last phase. If you have a hearing impairment, this is where you are coming to terms with your hearing loss. First, admit to yourself and others that you have a problem that needs to be addressed. This is the most difficult stage to enter. This explains why we take so long to treat our hearing loss. The four stages above are all normal reactions to losing the full ability of one of your core senses. But you have the ability to confront and survive this difficult transition.

You should ask for help to deal with the serious impact of hearing loss. Ask for help from your audiologist or hearing professional, but also your family members, your friends, your co-workers, and your partner. Luckily, most of the emotional impacts of hearing loss are overcome once the hearing impairment is efficiently handled. You can get connected to your family again. Maybe even partake in your favorite hobbies and meet your friends in public places again.

The earlier you face and take measures to deal with your hearing loss, the earlier you can keep a lid on the emotional consequences and continue to live your life as normal. The first thing to do is to take a hearing test so you can determine how serious your hearing loss is. More information available at

Hearing Group

Have you taken the giant step of coming to terms with your hearing loss? Well done! At Hearing Group, we provide a full suite of hearing evaluations as well as hearing aids to suit all styles, budgets, and hearing needs. Contact us today to arrange a consultation.