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Hearing Test

You can start with one of our options for a hearing test.

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A hearing test, or audiometric evaluation, is conducted by an audiologist to assess hearing abilities. Here’s what to expect during a hearing test:

  1. Pre-Test Discussion: The audiologist will discuss your medical history, hearing concerns, noise exposure, and other relevant factors.

  2. Physical Examination: The audiologist checks for ear abnormalities, earwax, eardrum perforations, or infections using an otoscope or video otoscopy.

  3. Pure-Tone Audiometry: You will listen to tones at different pitches and volumes through headphones. You’ll indicate hearing each tone by pressing a button or raising your hand, helping tailor the hearing aid settings.

  4. Speech Audiometry: This test evaluates how well you understand speech. You’ll repeat words or sentences at different volumes. It’s often performed with recorded voice for consistency.

  5. Tympanometry: This test measures eardrum movements in response to air pressure changes to check middle ear function and detect issues like fluid or infections.

  6. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Test: A small probe in the ear canal measures inner ear responses to sounds, assessing cochlear health.

  7. Results and Recommendations: The audiologist will discuss test results and recommend further steps if hearing loss is detected. This might include hearing aids, assistive devices, or other treatments.

Regular hearing tests are vital, especially if you have symptoms like difficulty understanding speech, tinnitus, or ear fullness. Early detection can lead to better management and outcomes.

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Take The Next Step

Once you have your results from our screener, it is time to come in and see our team of hearing specialists. Book a hearing test at your local hearing center using our convenient booking form or call us on 316-867-2683.

Our experienced hearing specialists always put you first. We will walk you through every aspect of your hearing assessment, from the test itself to the results and what it means moving forward.

Our friendly hearing specialists here at Hearing Group understand that hearing health is paramount, so let us help you find the perfect solution. We offer a wide range of hearing aids that you can take for a spin with our free hearing aid trial service.

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