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Encouraging a Loved One to Test Their Hearing

We all know how frightening it can be to encounter a physical limitation. No one should go through this process alone. Talking to your loved ones about hearing loss is a sensitive matter, but you might be bringing your family member or friend a great relief simply by talking about the possibility of hearing loss and making a plan to find treatment.

Frustration Building Up?

Don’t let the frustration build for too long. You may have noticed that your family member or friend hasn’t been able to participate in social events or even casual conversations like they used to. The volume on the television or radio might be turned up too loud. You might even feel like your loved one is checking out and doesn’t care about your feelings anymore. Some people tend to act as if they are able to hear in situations where they really can’t. Sometimes pride can get in the way of seeking help. These problems don’t have to last. Getting hearing loss treatment can solve more than just the inability to hear. Relationship problems can be fixed by easing the process of communication.

Find the Right Time

Encouraging a loved one to test their hearing, but how hearing loss can cause a lot of frustration and anxiety, sometimes leading to depression or anger. You may have experienced frustration with your loved one who has difficulty hearing, as well. When you are planning to address what seems like limited hearing ability, it is important to find the right time to talk. Of course, quiet space will be important. Turning off the television or radio will make it easy to talk through the problems you have been witnessing. Bring up what you have noticed with compassion.

Ask Questions and Listen to the Answers

When we communicate about problems we tend to think about what we have to say rather than how the other person wants to respond. One great way to approach the topic of hearing loss is to ask your loved one about their experience. You might say, How was the party last night? It seemed like you might not be having a great time. Or you might ask, Did you have a good time talking with your daughter at dinner? Another option would be, I’ve noticed you have to ask me to repeat myself sometimes. Is everything okay?

And then, when you’ve asked your question, be sure to listen carefully to the answer. Too often we might ask a question and then immediately try to insert our own ideas and interpretations of events. Take some time to hear out your loved one, letting them explain how they feel and the way they see their experiences. You never know, starting with a question about hearing loss might lead to other miscommunications you’ve experienced. Giving your loved ones the opportunity to talk about how they feel never hurts, and at least they will be glad to know that you care.

Talk About Solutions

It is important to approach the topic of hearing loss as a problem that can be solved. Though some family members or friends might be hurt or even insulted to be told that their hearing seems to be suffering, this problem can be treated with hearing technology.

Before you talk to your family members, get to know the possibilities that are out there. Although they might have an aversion to hearing aids when they first come up, this unwillingness might be based on some faulty information. With such a wide variety of options available, there is sure to be something easy to use and comfortable for every sufferer of hearing loss. There are even options for people with reduced nimbleness in their fingers. Your loved one might be making some assumptions about what hearing aids are based on the past. Technology has changed so that the solutions are always improving.

Scheduling a Hearing Test & Consultation

So, you’ve been able to talk with your family member or friend about getting their hearing tested. The next step will be to help them set up an appointment, but often the most difficult part is getting the process going. If your loved one can admit to having trouble hearing in certain situations, you can start the process of investigating solutions and talking with us at Hearing Group about what options are out there. Going down the road of treatment can be a way to bring you together rather than apart.