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Hearing Aid Care: How to Look After Your Hearing Aids This Winter

How to Look After Your Hearing Aids This Winter

If you suffer from hearing loss, you are probably aware that hearing aids aren’t cheap, and finding the perfect pair for you isn’t always easy. The cold, rain, and condensation can all be hugely damaging to hearing aid technology, and with a few more bitter winter months ahead, it is important to take extra special care with them.

Seeing that around 28.8 million adults in the US could benefit from hearing aids, we believe hearing aid care is vital. These small pieces of electronic equipment play a huge role in our daily lives, but without proper care, you can be left inconvenienced with expensive repairs or even buying and fitting a new one. Wrap up warm this winter, look after your health, and take care of your hearing with Hearing Group’s mini-guide to winter hearing aid care.

Know When to Remove Your Hearing Aids

Winter sports are hugely popular worldwide, and many people travel far and wide to hit the steepest slopes and picturesque routes. Although skiing and snowboarding are relatively safe extreme sports, they can be fatal for a pair of hearing aids. It is worth removing your hearing aids before winter activities to avoid losing them or exposing them to excessive amounts of moisture.

Be Careful Where You Store Your Hearing Aids

During the winter months, it is especially important to be aware of where you are storing your hearing aids. Certain places where you might leave your hearing aids without thought, like the glove box or garage, can be subject to extreme temperature changes. These temperature changes can adversely affect performance or even be seriously damaging to your hearing aids.

Keep Spare Batteries on Hand

If you use hearing aids, you are probably aware of just how much you rely on these small pieces of electronic equipment. The idea of your battery running out is not just inconvenient but could potentially ruin whatever you had planned for the day. Seeing that the performance of your hearing aid batteries can be impacted by cold temperature, it is generally a good idea to bring spare batteries with you during the winter.

Invest in a Dehumidifier for Hearing Aids

Dehumidifiers for hearing aids can be particularly useful during the winter, thanks to the increased risk of condensation. A dehumidifier for hearing aids can tackle the build-up of moisture caused by the fluctuations in temperature. You can even take your dehumidifier with you wherever you go, with your own travel dehumidifier or case.

Don’t Worry If Your Hearing Aids Stop Working

If your hearing aid stops working after coming inside from the cold, there is no need to worry. The best course of action when it comes to hearing aid care is to open up the battery compartment and allow the hearing aids to rest. Opening up the battery door enables the condensation to evaporate and air to circulate.

If this technique doesn’t breathe life into your hearing aids or your hearing aids fall foul of the winter weather despite your best hearing aid care efforts, we have you covered. Hearing Group’s hearing aids specialists are always on hand to offer you the best service at any of our locations throughout Kansas and Oklahoma.

Book your appointment to see our specialists at Hearing Group and let us help look after your hearing aids.