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September Is World Alzheimer Month

Over the last several years, Alzheimer’s International Disease (ADI) has been leading the World Alzheimer’s Month in September. This is a time to teach people about Alzheimer’s Disease, reduce negativity, and help others learn how to prevent the disease.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s Disease is a brain disease that changes thoughts, memories, behaviors, emotions, and moods. The majority of those with the disease are over 65 years of age. It affects millions of people, all over the world. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease, which accounts for around 90% of dementia cases. It is one of the main causes of death in this nation for older adults.

Signs of Alzheimer Disease

Generally, memory issues are one of the first signs of Alzheimer’s Disease development. We all sometimes forget where we put the car keys, but somebody with dementia may forget this repeatedly. They may even not remember how the keys got there in the first place. Another tell-tale sign one might notice would be language issues. Things like struggling to find the correct word or losing their train of thought while in mid-sentence. Dementia patients often repeat the same thing several times without realizing it.

First encounter with Alzheimer’s Disease

Individuals may have problems with:

  • normal everyday activities may become more
  • possible changes in personality or mood

As the illness develops

Individuals may struggle with:

  • remembering their close family or friends
  • trouble learning how to do new things
  • depending solely on family members and caregivers to complete their daily routines

How to reduce the risk?

Brain damage begins before doctors can identify Alzheimer’s Disease. For this reason, it is important that you work hard to decrease the risk of developing any form of dementia. No surgery or medication is available to heal Alzheimer’s Disease or bring back the parts of the brain that have declined. Also, the current medications on the market only manage the effects of the disease.

Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. But, there are several ways you can reduce the risk of developing the condition in the first place.

Keep the body active

One way to slow down the decline in brain function is to stay physically active. Being active helps the health of your body and mind. The increased activity builds heart health, maintains a healthy weight, and lowers high blood pressure.

Try short periods of high energy exercise, and walk to places instead of taking the car. Also, working around the house definitely counts, as does gardening and daily walks. Another great way is to take up a sport or some form of dance. This will also help you meet and connect with new people.

Keep the brain active

There are several ways you can keep your brain active

  • try learning something new that you have never tried
  • try a class at the gym that you’re interested in
  • Maybe even a certain skill or hobby you’ve always wanted to learn
  • stay social

In turn, you will continue to exercise parts of the brain responsible for sentence formation, social awareness, and emotions.

Eat a healthy diet

Changing the food you put into your body can go a long way toward keeping your brain healthy. Try A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, low in saturated fat, and rich in leafy green vegetables and whole grains. Furthermore, try some form of a Mediterranean diet prioritizing fish, fruits and vegetables, olive oil, and avocados. Also, consider reducing the amount of red meat you eat. The MIND diet, in particular, was designed to increase brain health. Also, it has been shown to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Hearing Loss and Alzheimer Disease

Hearing loss is known to alter mental ability. It also has been recognized as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in recent studies. Hearing loss has been linked to social isolation and even depression in those who suffer from it. In addition, social isolation reduces the opportunities individuals have for socially active and learning new things.? All of these components combined could explain the connection between hearing loss and dementia.

Hearing Group

One of the many ways to reduce your risk of dementia is to treat your hearing loss. By treating your hearing loss, you can maintain those important connections with friends, family members, and the wider world. This is instrumental in keeping cognitive abilities strong. If you have noticed changes in your hearing, contact us today for a hearing evaluation!