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All About Bluetooth Hearing Aids


Technology changes and upgrades all the time, and that includes hearing aids. One of the most sophisticated advancements in hearing aid technology in recent years is the development of bluetooth capability. Hearing aids with bluetooth capability give the wearer the ability to stream TV, phones or any other bluetooth media device directly to his or her hearing aids – bringing the joy of better hearing to all areas of life.


What Are Bluetooth Hearing Aids?

Bluetooth technology enables wireless communication between bluetooth-compatible devices. This technology uses radio waves instead of cords and wires to connect devices and transfer data. Some common items with bluetooth are smart phones, televisions, tablets, cars and computers. This means that if your hearing instruments have bluetooth, you can connect them to all those devices and more!

Some hearing aids are able to connect directly to other devices while others require an additional device called a “streamer” to make the connection.

Benefits of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

Better sound quality

With bluetooth enabled, you’ll experience the best sound quality. Because you’re streaming right into your ears through your hearing aids, you won’t hear whistling or feedback. Bluetooth signals are also very strong and stable, so the sound is clearer and shouldn’t cut out.


The ability to be connected to your devices is one of the most exciting hearing aids advancements. In the past, if you wanted to listen to music while you work in the yard you would have to take out your hearing aids and put in ear buds. But, with bluetooth capable hearing aids, you can be connected to your phone or other music device and never have to take off your hearing aids. This connection works with many other kinds of devices and makes life easier and makes life sound better!

Hands-free phone calls

With most hearing aids, if you have them connected to your phone via bluetooth you’re able to answer calls by simply pushing a button on your hearing aids. If you’re driving down the road and getting a phone call, it will ring directly in your hearing aids. Then instead of having to pick up your phone and hold it to your ear, you’ll just push a button on your hearing aids to answer and talk hands-free. Not only is it safer, but you’ll also be able to hear your calls better and more clearly with the high-quality sound of your hearing aids.

Binaural, natural hearing experience

Binaural means that your hearing aids communicate with each other. So anything you’re streaming you’ll hear on both sides. For example, if you’re streaming a phone call you’ll hear the other person’s voice in both hearing aids. Instead of holding your phone up to one ear and straining to hear, you’ll get the sound on both sides loud and clear. You’ll experience high-quality speech and sound, and you’ll be able to more easily localize sound.

Remote control of hearing aids

Most bluetooth hearing aids are able to be controlled through an app. You can adjust the volume, switch between different programs and changes settings remotely. Making adjustments this way is more discreet than reaching up and fiddling with the buttons on your hearing instruments. It’s also much easier to make adjustments on an app than to fiddle with those tiny buttons. Some bluetooth hearing aids even are capable of being adjusted remotely by your hearing professional!

Which Hearing Aids Have Bluetooth Capabilities?

Bluetooth technology is quickly becoming mainstream for hearing aids. If you’re buying a new set of hearing aids now, you’re most likely going to be getting hearing aids capable of bluetooth connectivity. A few of our favorite hearing aids and platforms with bluetooth capabilities are the Unitron Moxi Move, Sonic Radiant and the Signia Xperience. Click the links to read more about these hearing aids on our website.


Some hearing aids are Made for iPhone and have the capability to connect directly to Apple products. These products require a streaming device to connect to Android devices. You can visit Apple’s website for a list of Made for iPhone hearing aids.


Not as many hearing aid brands and models are able to direct connect to Android devices. However, some do! Even if your hearing aids can’t, you can still use an extra streaming device to connect. You can find advice for connecting your hearing aids to an Android here.

While some hearing aids are made specifically for direct connection to iPhone or Android devices, there are several hearing aid manufacturers that make hearing aids compatible with both. Having hearing aids that can direct connect to Apple or Android devices gives you more freedom to choose which kind of phone you prefer, knowing your hearing aids will connect directly either way. Make sure you ask your hearing professional about these options when you’re buying hearing aids.

What To Do If Your Hearing Aids Stop Connecting To Your Phone

When you get your hearing aids, your hearing professional will help you get them connected to your phone. Like all technology, sometimes bluetooth glitches or doesn’t work exactly how you want it to. If at some point your hearing aids disconnect from your phone or any other device, we have some tips for reconnecting.

      1. Turn your hearing aids off and back on, then try reconnecting. If you have rechargeable hearing aids, you’ll do this by holding down the top button on both aids. If you have hearing aids with traditional batteries, you’ll simply open the battery door on both hearing aids.
      2. Try turning the bluetooth connection off on your phone and then back on. Or, you can even turn your whole phone off and back on.
      3. Start from scratch by clicking “Forget this device” in your bluetooth settings. Then, search for your hearing aids again and reconnect.
      4. If all else fails – call your hearing professional. At HG, we’re happy to try to help over the phone or get you in to see your specialist.