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Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss

Although some of the signs that you might be losing hearing ability might be easy to detect, others are more subtle. Hearing loss is not necessarily something to worry about. This is because there are many solutions out there to help you work through it. The earlier you’re able to identify the signs of hearing loss, the sooner you’ll be able to do something about it.

Social Signs of Hearing Loss

Some of the first signs of hearing loss might be social. Perhaps when you’re in a crowded room it has become difficult to hear others clearly. Especially when multiple people are talking at once, it might be tricky to make out what someone is saying. Certain types of voices might become difficult to hear, such as women or children.

For others, sounds in the room might make it difficult to make out what someone is saying. Things like the sound of a television, music, or other every day sounds like an air conditioner. If you catch yourself reading lips to help hear a speaker or moving closer to make out what someone is saying, it may be a sign of hearing loss.

The range of situations bringing up hearing loss symptoms might catch you by surprise. Although you’re having a simple dinner for two, the sound of a particular restaurant might make it very difficult to hear. On the other hand, you might be just fine in a crowded room where loud music is playing. Each set of ears is different. Each of us is sensitive to a different range of sounds, making some things hard to hear for one person that is clear as a bell for others.

Emotional Signs of Hearing Loss

Some of the other signs of hearing loss might be emotional. When you know you’ll be attending a big event, some anxiety might creep in. Worries about whether or not you?ll be able to communicate with the people there. Some people feel nervous before these events because they know that it will be a difficult situation for hearing and communicating. You may experience sadness, frustration, or depression when faced with your inability to hear as clearly as you’d like. Yet, the frustration and negative feelings you experience may not only be targeted at yourself.

You may find it annoying or even become angry hen you can’t hear people properly. It can be frustrating that they won’t speak up. In the worst cases, people may feel emotionally withdrawn because hearing loss can be an isolating experience. These negative feelings can add up, as well. Sometimes feeling defeated by hearing loss can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. These feelings only contribute to further loss of emotional wellbeing. If you catch yourself feeling bad before an event that will require sensitive hearing from you, don?t let the negative emotions spiral out of control.

Physical Signs of Hearing Loss

Of course, the physical signs of hearing loss are some of the best known. If you have been exposed to very loud or very repetitive sounds over a long period of time, it may be a warning sign of hearing loss. Similarly, if you experienced an event with a very loud sound, such as an explosion or a crash, that single event might have a strong effect on your hearing.

Other physical signs have to do with your medical history. It’s possible to have inherited hearing loss if it is known to run in your family. Some medical conditions are correlated with hearing loss, such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

Finally, some medications have hearing loss as a side effect. This side effect should be listed on your prescription. Your doctor or pharmacist should have let you know that hearing loss is a possibility. If you are concerned that a medical condition or medication might be causing you some hearing loss, then be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about it.

Although hearing loss can be scary, recognizing the early warning signs is the right step on the way to finding a solution. If you identify these signs before hearing loss becomes more advanced, you will have a range of options to solve the problem. And, of course, hearing loss is nothing to be afraid of. Accepting these signs will point you in the right direction of scheduling a hearing test.

Visit Us at Hearing Group

If these signs feel familiar to you, you may be experiencing a hearing loss. If you recognize these signs in a loved one, it is important to encourage them to take a hearing test. To schedule a comprehensive hearing test and consultation, contact us at Hearing Group. Our team will lead you through the process of better hearing.